Rockwell Automation 1747-PBASE BASIC Development Software Programming Manual User Manual

Page 37

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Publication 1746-PM001A-US-P

Configuring Your Software 3-3

Table 3.1 Command Line Switches





Mouse disable

The BASIC Development Software auto-detects the
presence of a mouse driver. The BASIC
Development Software requires DOS version 3.1 or


Mouse enable


Don’t change keyspeed

Some personal computers with special ANSI.SYS
replacement files encounter problems when
attempting to alter the keyspeed or keyboard
repeat speed. If you experience keyboard problems,
try the /KN switch. (/KY is the default.) If this fixes
your problem, be sure to go into the Configuration
menu and select saVe configuration and exit. This
saves /KN as the default and you do not need to
use either of these command line switches again.
To restore the previous settings, start the software
using the /KY command line switch and again save
the configuration.


Change keyspeed


1784-KR card is installed

If you choose to use this card, first verify that its
driver resides in the main subdirectory of the BASIC
Development Software (ABBASIC\BDS unless you
renamed it during installation). Then you must use
this command line switch every time you run the
BASIC Development Software.


Don’t try to use enhanced

Some personal computers and some special
memory resident programs do not work when the
BASIC Development Software tries to use the
enhanced keyboard functions. If you experience
keyboard problems, try the /EN switch.


No restore

Disables the Restore feature of the BASIC
Development Software. Use this if you have the
Restore feature turned ON (via the Setup and
Configuration menu), and would like to run the
BASIC Development Software without restoring
the previous status of the editor.


Black and white

Forces the software to display screens in black and
white instead of color.


Sets screen length to n

The /X and /Y switches are used to override
automatic detection of screen size and redefine the
size. This is to accommodate custom video modes
on some of the SUPER or ENHANCED EGA/VGA
(and other) boards. The values you enter for n must
be legal for your particular custom video mode. Use
of either of these switches disables the Video
Mode options when display setup is selected from
the configuration menu.