Figure 2.3 window labels – Rockwell Automation 1747-PBASE BASIC Development Software Programming Manual User Manual
Page 27
Publication 1746-PM001A-US-P
Getting Familiar with Your Development Software 2-7
Figure 2.3 Window Labels
A more complete explanation of the options available through the Window menu
is in Chapter 4. At this point, we simply want you to understand the concept
behind the windows feature. To accomplish that, make a few adjustments to the
current window:
1. If using a mouse, move the cursor over to the Window menu (near the top left)
and click the left mouse button. If you do not have a mouse, press
your keyboard to access the pull-down menus. Cursor to the right or left to
highlight the Window menu and press
File Window Block Cursor Search Text Layout Print Macro Config Other Exit
| | +=+B+=
|100 (this is BASE #1) | |100 (this is BASE #2) |
|110 for x = 1 to 100 | |110 for x = 1 to 50 |
|120 a = x * 2 | |120 a = x * 2 + 5 |
|130 if a = 60 then 180 | |130 if a = 70 then 180 |
|140 next x | |140 next x |
|150 goto 200 | |150 goto 190 |
|180 print "a = 60" | |180 print "a = 70" |
|200 end | | |
|>> EOF << | +=+C+= =========D:\ABBASIC\BAS\BASE#2==+«
| | |550 for x = 1 to 100 |
| | |560 a = x * 2 |
| | |570 if a = 60 then 600 |
| | |580 next x |
| | |590 goto 700 |
| | |600 print "a = 60" |
| | |>> EOF << |
| | | |
L:3 C:1 1747-PBASE V x.xx [Text Edit] Ins 175k 06-12-91 1:15pm
1 Help 2Menu 3Term 4Indent 5Save 6Search 7MarkBl 8BasHlp 9CopyBl 0MoveBl
| | |700 end (end of BASE #2) |