7 tagged vlan, Tagged vlan – Omnitron Systems Technology iConverter 2FXM User Manual User Manual

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Tagged VLAN

The 2FXM supports the IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN packet tagging and un-tagging and the 802.1p Quality of
Service priority standards.

The following parameters are configured for each port:

Port Priority (PRI)

This (IEEE 802.1p based) user-specified value of 0 through 7 can be assigned as a QoS priority level (0
being lowest and 7 being highest) to packets ingressing (entering) a port. If no value is specified by the
user, a default priority value of “0” is assigned.

The PRI value is always assigned to all untagged packets. Tagged packets are assigned the PRI value when
the “PVID” option is selected in the “Tagged Packet Use” section.


This (IEEE 802.1Q based) user-specified value of 0 through 4094 can be assigned as a Port VLAN ID
(PVID) to packets ingressing a port. If no value is specified by the user a default PVID value of “2” is

The PVID value is always assigned to untagged packets. Tagged packets are assigned the PVID value
when the “PVID” option is selected in the “Tagged Packet Use” section.

Tagged Packet Use

This section defines how tagged packets ingressing a port are processed.

Selecting the “PVID” option causes the PRI and PVID user-specified values to be used as the packet’s
VLAN ID (VID) for processing of the packet.

Selecting the “TVID” (Tagged VLAN ID) option causes the packet’s original Tag VLAN ID (TVID) and
priority level to be used as the packet’s VLAN ID (VID) for processing of the packet.

NOTE:Untagged packets are always assigned the port’s PRI and PVID values as their VID.

Ingress Security

This section selects the ingress security level of a port.

Selecting the “Low” option allows any packet to ingress a port.

Selecting the “High” option allows only packets that are assigned a VLAN ID (VID) value of which this
port is a member (according to the Membership Table) to ingress a port.

Egress Policy

This section defines the egress policy.

Selecting the “untag” option defines how a tagged or untagged packet is processed. A tagged packet will
have the top tag removed and an untagged packet will be passed unmodified.

Selecting the “tag” option will tag an untagged packet with the PVID and PRI of the ingress port or add a
tag to an already tagged packet with the PVID and PRI of the ingress port.

Selecting the “pass” option, a packet tagged or untagged will be passed unchanged as it egresses out of the

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