0 variable details, 0 variable properties – MTS Fracture Analyzer User Manual
Page 65 Variable Details
The Variable Details panel sets the main properties of the selected variable or variables. New categories are
defined using the Category box. You can set or change the value type with the String and Array check
boxes. You can set or change the Dimension, Unit, and Default values. The calculated frame sets the value
as calculated. The Edit button opens the Calculation Editor. Variable Properties
Variable Properties
Select the category of the variable.
Optionally, you can create a new category using the New Category option
from the drop-down list.
Uniquely identify the variables among all variables in the test.
Variable identifiers can contain only alphabetical, numeric, and underscore
(_) characters and must begin with an alphabetical character. They cannot
contain spaces or other special characters.
Provide a more operator-friendly way of identifying the same variable for use
in displays and reports. The default display name is the same as the identifier.
Display Name
The display name must be a unique name, except it can match its variable
identifier. The display name can contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
The name cannot contain periods and must not begin with a number.
Specify a default value for the variable to use until another value is provided
for the variable, either through user input or through calculation.
Default Value
Specify a value that is consistent with the variable type, such as a numeric or
string value.
If you enter a string for a numeric variable, the default value is forced to a
numeric value of 0.000. If you enter a numeric value for a string variable, the
number is treated as a string, and not as a numeric value.
If a numeric default value is entered outside the variable Range, an error
message is generated.
Specify the default value. Available options are:
Default Option
Use Default Value from the Default Value field
Use Previous Test Run Value
Specify the type of variable. The following types of variables are available:
MTS TestSuite™ Fracture Analyzer User Guide 65
7.0 Variable Analysis