Introduction – Lenze PM94P01C User Manual
Page 23

Any one of the 12 inputs can be assigned as a bit position within the INDEX variable. Only bits 0
through 7 can be used with the INDEX variable. Bits 8-31 are not used and are always set to 0.
Unassigned bits in the INDEX variable are set to 0.
BITS 8-31 (not used)
Limit Switch Input Functions
Inputs A1 and A2 can be configured as special purpose inputs from the [
Digital IO] folder in MotionView. They can be set to
one of three settings:
The “
Not assigned” setting designates the inputs as general purpose inputs which can be utilized by the User
The “
Fault” setting will configure A1 and A2 as Hard Limit Switches. When either input is made the drive will
be disabled, the motor will come to an uncontrolled stop, and the drive will generate a fault. If the negative limit
switch is activated, the drive will display an F-33 fault. If the positive limit switch is activated the drive will display
an F32 fault.
The “
Stop and fault” setting will configure A1 and A2 as End of Travel limit switches. When either input is
made the drive will initiate a rapid stop before disabling the drive and generating an F34 or F35 fault (refer to
section 2.15 for details). The speed of the deceleration will be set by the value stored in the “
QDECEL” System
The “Stop and Fault” function is available in position mode only, (“Drive mode” is set to “Position”).
In all other cases, the Stop and Fault function will act the same as the Fault function.
To set this parameter, select the [
IO] folder from the Parameter Tree. Then select the [Digital IO] folder. From the
Parameter View Window, use the pull-down menu next to [
Hard Limit Switches Action] to select the status: Not
Assigned, Fault or Stop and Fault.
Digital Outputs Control
The PositionServo has 5 digital outputs. The “
RDY” or READY output is dedicated and will only come on when
the drive is enabled, i.e. in
RUN mode. The other outputs are labeled OUT1 - OUT4.
Outputs can be configured as Special Purpose Outputs. If an output is configured as a
Special Purpose Output
it will activate when the state assigned to it becomes true. For example, if an output is assigned the function
Zero speed”, the assigned output will come on when the motor is not in motion. To configure an output as a
Special Purpose Output, select the [
IO] folder from the Parameter Tree. Then select the [Digital IO] folder. From
the Parameter View Window, select the “
Output function” parameter you wish to set (1, 2, 3 or 4).
Outputs that are configured as “Not assigned” can be activated either via the User Program or from a host
interface. If an output is assigned as a Special Purpose Output, neither the user program nor the host interface
can overwrite its status.
The Systems Variable “
OUTPUTS” is a read/write variable that allows the User Program, or host interface,
to monitor and set the status of all four outputs. Each output allocates 1 bit in the OUTPUTS variable. For
example, if you set this variable equal to 15 in the User Program,i.e. 1111 in binary format, then all 4 outputs
will be turned on.
The example below summarizes the output functions and corresponding System Flags. To set the output, write
any non-0 value (TRUE) to its flag. To clear the output, write a 0 value (FALSE) to its flag. You can also use
flags in an expression. If an expression is evaluated as TRUE then the output will be turned ON. Otherwise, it
will be turned OFF.
OUT1 = 1
;turn OUT1 ON
OUT2 = 10
;any value but 0 turns output ON
OUT3 = 0
;turn OUT3 OFF
OUT2 = APOS>3 && APOS<10
;ON when position within window, otherwise OFF