Caution – COATS ProRide Wheel Balancer User Manual

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Important: Always read and follow instructions.

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Note: Throughout this manual, wheel weights are

referred to as Clip-on or Tape-A-Weight®. Figure 3

shows an example of each weight.

Figure 3 - Corrective Weight Examples. For Best Results, use
BADA® Brand Wheel Weights.

Power Switch

The ON/OFF switch location (figure 4) is on the left

side of the balancer; below the weight tray.

Figure 4 - On/Off Switch

Using The Offset Arm

Use the offset arm gauge to automatically measure

the distance from wheel to machine and the wheel

diameter at the point of weight application. Also, use

the offset arm for the correct positioning of weight

application on the inside rim as indicated by the bal-

ancer instructions. When not in use or when prompted

by the balancer instructions, store the offset arm in the

home position as shown in figure 5.

Using The Laser Locator

If a hidden weight (Tape-A-Weight


) location is

selected, use the laser locator (figure 5) to point to the

hidden weight location.

Note: For best performance, choose an outboard

weight position as deep into the rim as wheel allows.

Figure 5 - Location of Offset Arm (Stored In Home Position)
and Laser Locator

Wheel Guard


Never raise up the wheel guard before the
wheel has come to a stop. Keep hair, loose
clothing, fingers and all parts of body away
from moving parts.

If, due to a fault in the machine, the wheel keeps

spinning permanently, switch off the machine at the

master switch or by unplugging the plug from the

power supply. Wait until the wheel stops, or actuate the

positioning pedal before opening the wheel guard.

Positioning Pedal

In the standard version, the pedal controls a mechani-

cal brake which facilitates positioning and holding the

wheel in place for corrective weight application.

In the pneumatic version, the pedal engages/releases

the pneumatic sleeve. The pedal has two positions: the

upper position releases the pneumatic sleeve; the lower

position engages the pneumatic sleeve to mount the

wheel onto the pneumatic shaft.

Auto Wheel Lock Feature (PL Version Only)

Once the assembly is rotated to the weight application

position, it will lock in place to assist in weight place-

ment. Simply apply additional force and the lock will

release to allow movement to the next weight position.

Clip-on Weight






Offset Arm

In Home


