2N VoiceBlue Enterprise - User Manual User Manual
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VoiceBlue Enterprise
employees of our company. While also another procedures are
possible, we decide to switch all calls starting with „00“ (our
international call flag) to the voice information service, which will
nicely announce to the user, that such calls are prohibited. The
voice service is located in our VoIP network and let us say that it
has number 9876.
This behaviour may be achieved by setting the normalisation,
which has the prefix „00“, number of subsequently detached
characters, e.g. 50, and new added prefix „9876“. Regarding the
fact tat we do not suppose the occurrence of the phone number,
which is longer then 50 characters, then we may expect, that
nothing remains from the original number, and the result of the
transformation will be only „prefix“ 9876.
Adjustment of the normalisation prescriptions is available via the
group Configuration in menu Saving automat (LCR) via the
Normalisation item. The initial display is the list of established
normalisation rules.
Fig. 43 – Overview of normalisations
By clocking to the symbol of pencil we move to the form, in
which we may made the changes.
Symbol serves for cancelling of the normalisation prescription.
These may be cancelled also together by ticking in the last column
of the table and clicking to the Remove selected located under the
Under the table, there is also the Add to LCR normalisation
reference. By clicking to it, the form for definition of new line is
Meaning of the field in the form is the same as the meaning of
columns in the normalisation table in fig. 43:
Prefix – prefix, by which the number must begin to enable the
applying of the transformation prescription to it.
Remove number – number of characters, which are detached
from the beginning of the number after the prefix.