2N VoiceBlue Enterprise - User Manual User Manual

Page 91

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LCR – Saving Automat


Change of rule

When we decide to change the setting of any routing rule, then we
clock to the name of the relevant destination in the overview of
rules, see fig. 38. This will launch the guide, which is very similar
to the guide, with which we have acquainted in the previous
paragraphs. The only difference is the presence of the Change
button instead of the Add button.

Fig. 38 – Change of routing rule

Changes of routing rules effect the gateway operation immediately
after their realisation. Therefore it is not needed to restart the
whole equipment.

Removal of rule

The routing rule, which is no longer required, might be cancelled
by ticking the tip field in the second column of the relevant line
and pressing the Remove button, see example on fig. 39. Removing
of several rules at the same time may be realised by simultaneous
ticking of more lines.

Fig. 39 – Removing of routing rule

Change of sequence

The rule sequence may be changed by similar procedure, as the
removal of the rules. We select the relevant line by ticking and
press the Move up resp. Move down button.

Forbidding/permitting of rule

As we already know, the routing rule affects the routing process
only if it is permitted. During establishing and/or change of the
rule setting, we may change the state of the Permitted button - see