Google Web Security for Enterprise Administration Guide User Manual
Page 77

Google Web Security for Enterprise Administration Guide
Shopping: Bartering; online purchasing; coupons and free offers; general office
supplies; online catalogs; online malls.
Social Networking: Social networking sites. See also Professional Networking.
Social Science: Sciences and history related to society; archaeology;
anthropology; cultural studies; history; linguistics; geography; philosophy;
psychology; women's studies.
Society and Culture: Family and relationships; ethnicity; social organizations;
genealogy; seniors; child-care.
Software Updates: Websites that host updates for software packages.
Sports and Recreation: All sports, professional and amateur; recreational
activities; fishing; fantasy sports; public parks; amusement parks; water parks;
theme parks; zoos and aquariums; spas.
Streaming Audio: Real-time streaming audio content including Internet radio
and audio feeds.
Streaming Video: Real-time streaming video including Internet television,
webcasts, and video sharing.
Tobacco: Pro-tobacco websites; tobacco manufacturers; pipes and smoking
products (not marketed for illegal drug use). Tobacco addiction is classified as
Health and Nutrition.
Transportation: Personal transportation; information about cars and
motorcycles; shopping for new and used cars and motorcycles; car clubs; boats,
airplanes, recreational vehicles (RVs), and other similar items. Car and
motorcycle racing is classified as Sports and Recreation.
Travel: Business and personal travel; travel information; travel resources; travel
agents; vacation packages; cruises; lodging and accommodation; travel
transportation; flight booking; airfares; car rental; vacation homes.
Unclassified: Websites which are not in the Web Security database are
recorded as unclassified for reporting purposes. This may include mis-typed
Weapons: Information relating to the purchase or use of conventional weapons
such as gun sellers, gun auctions, gun classified ads, gun accessories, gun
shows, and gun training; general information about guns; other weapons and
graphic hunting sites may be included. Government military websites are
classified as Government and Law.
Web Hosting: Website hosting; bandwidth services.
Web Page Translation: Translation of web pages between languages.
Web-Based Email: Public web-based email services. Websites enabling
individuals to access their company or organization’s email service are classified
as Organizational Email.