Google Web Security for Enterprise Administration Guide User Manual
Page 76

Website Attributes / Categories
Online Trading: Online brokerages; websites that enable the user to trade
stocks online; information relating to the stock market, stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, brokers, stock analysis and commentary, stock screens, stock charts,
IPOs, stock splits. Services for spread betting on stocks and shares are classified
as Gambling. Other financial services are classified as Finance.
Organizational Email: Websites used to access business email.
Parked Domains: Websites that monetize traffic from the domain using paid
listings from an ad network, or are owned by “squatters” hoping to sell the domain
name for a profit. These also include fake search websites which return paid ad
Peer File Transfer: Peer-to-peer file request websites. This does not track the
file transfers themselves.
Personal Sites: Websites about and from private individuals; personal
homepage servers; websites with personal contents; personal blogs with no
particular theme.
Photo Searches and Images: Facilitating the storing and searching for, images,
photographs, and clip-art.
Politics: Websites of politicians; political parties; news and information on
politics, elections, democracy, and voting.
Pornography: Sexually explicit text or depictions. Includes explicit anime and
cartoons; general explicit depictions; other fetish material; explicit chat rooms; sex
simulators; strip poker; adult movies; lewd art; web-based explicit email.
Professional Networking: Social networking for the purpose of career or
professional development. See also Social Networking.
Real Estate: Information that would support the search for real estate; office and
commercial space; real estate listings, such as rentals, apartments, and homes;
house building.
Reference: City and state guides; maps, time; reference sources; dictionaries;
Religion: Religious content, information about religions; religious communities.
SaaS and B2B: Web portals for online business services; online meetings.
Safe for Kids: Directed at, and specifically approved for, young children.
Science and Technology: Science and technology, such as aerospace,
electronics, engineering, mathematics, and other similar subjects; space
exploration; meteorology; geography; environment; energy (fossil, nuclear,
renewable); communications (telephones, telecommunications).
Search Engines and Portals: Search engines and other initial points of access
to information on the Internet.
Sex Education: Factual websites dealing with sex; sexual health; contraception;