AEM 30-6905 Universal Programmable EMS-4 User Manual

Page 73

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Page 73 of 279 EMS-4 Install and Tuning Guide_Rev 1.6

Configure Gear Ratio Wizard

The EMS must be powered up and the PC must be connected. WARNING! This procedure
should be completed on a chassis dynamometer to ensure safety. The driven wheels must be
rotating to generate a suitable vehicle speed signal. Follow the on-screen instructions. Select
Engine Speed for GearCal Spd 1 and Vehicle Speed for GearCal Spd 2. Note that certain plug
and play applications may have different settings but these will be pre-configured in the base
calibration. While driving in each gear, click the Gear 1

– 7 buttons to sample data. When all

gears are sampled, click the Set to Gear Ratio Table button to finalize the process.

Staged Injection Wizard

– This wizard is used to determine the flow ratio between the primary

and secondary injectors and to account for differences in fuel type, fuel pressure or number of