AEM 30-6905 Universal Programmable EMS-4 User Manual

Page 224

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Page 224 of 279 EMS-4 Install and Tuning Guide_Rev 1.6

Units: On/Off
Description: Inverts the output signal. This option is based on tuner
preference. Generally used when the wastgate type or solenoid is wired in such a
way that low duty cycles equate to high boost and high duty cycles equate to low
boost. When ON, this algorithm will be opposite.

Boost WG Output 1
Description: Defines the output pin to be used for the boost control function.

Fuel Cut Load
Units: Engine Load
Description: Boost fuel cut that when over the engine load specified, 100% fuel is
cut. To keep the engine from overboosting.

Boost Control Advanced Setup Example

1. It is recommended that the engine be tuned at the lowest boost level allowed by the

wastegate spring before attempting to adjust boost control settings. Disable boost
feedback (set Boost FB + Limit, Boost FB

– Limit, Boost FB Pro Gain, and Boost FB Int

Gain to zero). Set the entire Boost WG Base Duty map to zero, and set the entire Boost
Target Comp table to zero.

2. Set the entire Boost WG Base Duty map to 10%, perform a power pull and observe the

maximum boost level that results from 10% duty cycle with your wastegate solenoid.