AEM 30-6905 Universal Programmable EMS-4 User Manual

Page 234

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Page 234 of 279 EMS-4 Install and Tuning Guide_Rev 1.6

B. Option TC Timebase ON:

1. Option TC Speed/Time ON:

2. Option TC Speed/Time OFF:

The parameter Engine Accel raw can be used to view or log the results from the calculation
above. Once the Raw Engine Acceleration is calculated, a sensitivity factor is applied and the
result is scaled versus the option TC Max. The calculation is as follows:

where TC Max is the maximum raw engine acceleration rate possible under optimum traction

The TC Sensitivity Table can be based on either Engine RPM or Vehicle Speed and is used to
adjust the acceleration sensitivity. A value of 255 represents maximum sensitivity. Note that the
viewed or logged data for Engine Acceleration is proportional to actual Engine Acceleration in
units such as Rev/Sec^2. The raw data can be manipulated in many ways to achieve the
required results.

Sensitivity Tables

The following is an example of how the TC RPM Sensitivity Table affects Engine Acceleration