A more complex example – AEM 30-6905 Universal Programmable EMS-4 User Manual

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Page 106 of 279 EMS-4 Install and Tuning Guide_Rev 1.6

Some tuners may want to connect injector output #1 to cylinder #1, injector output #2 to cylinder
2, etc. The example above shows how this configuration would be defined assuming the engine
firing order is 1

– 3 – 4 – 2.

Injector Advance Table

The Injector Advance table controls the timing of the injection events. The units are in crank
degrees and are vs RPM breakpoints. Range is -360 to +360 degrees from the first crank tooth
after synchronization.

A more complex example

For a more complex example of the tooth control table function, please refer to the 60-2 Crank
with Single Cam Sync
diagram. This is a window into the inner workings of the EMS and
explains how the tooth control table can be used to convert a 60-2 crank trigger wheel
(sometimes also referred to as a 58X pattern) into a “24 fuel teeth” configuration similar to the
one in the basic example above. This pattern requires the missing tooth or MX sync strategy.
Here the tooth control table is used as a “divide by 5” function to count every 5


crank tooth

edge as a fuel tooth. This effectively converts the fuel tooth count from 6 crank degrees per
tooth to a more standard 30 degrees per tooth. Once this is done, all other settings are the
same as above.