About the data for the map database – Pioneer AVIC-X1BT User Manual
Page 5

Terms and conditions in relation
to the Tele Atlas navigation data
Object and right of use: This agreement relates to
the digital map data (the ‘data’) included in the
accompanying package. Tele Atlas grants the
BUYER the right to use the data combined with
one (1) car navigation system. The buyer only
becomes the owner of the material data carrier
and does not acquire the ownership of the data.
The buyer is not permitted to fully or partly modify
the data, to combine it with software, to analyse it
by means of reverse-engineering, or to make
products derived from it. The buyer is explicitly
prohibited from downloading the digital maps
and programmes contained in the data or from
transferring these to another data carrier or com-
puter. If the buyer should sell or otherwise part
with the data carrier, he must impose the obliga-
tions contained in this agreement on the receiver.
Unauthorised hiring, lending, public perform-
ance and broadcasting is prohibited.
Guarantee and liability: The use of the data in a
navigation system means that calculation errors
can occur caused by local environmental condi-
tions and/or incomplete data. For the above men-
tioned reasons Tele Atlas can not warrant that
the data operates error-free. To the extent permit-
ted by national laws, Tele Atlas shall not be liable
for any damages arising out of the use of the
data, except for damages caused by gross negli-
gence or intent of Tele Atlas.
Data Source
2005 Tele Atlas N.V.
© BEV, GZ 1368/2003
© IGN France Michelin data © Michelin 2005
© Geonext/DeAgostini
© Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland
© Norwegian Mapping Authority, Public Roads Adminis-
tration / © Mapsolutions
© Swisstopo
Topografische ondergrond Copyright
voor het kadaster en de openbare registers,
Apeldoorn 2005
This product includes mapping data licenced
from Ordnance Survey with the permission of the
Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Crown copyright and/or database right 2005.
All rights reserved. Licence number 100026920
About the Data for the Map
• This database was developed and recorded up
to April 2005.
• It is strictly prohibited to reproduce and use
any part or the whole of this map in any form
without permission from the copyright owner.
• If the local traffic regulation on the site devi-
ates from this data, follow the local traffic regu-
lation signs or indications.
• The traffic regulation data used in the map
database apply only to regular vehicles. Note
that regulations for large vehicles or motor-
bikes are not included in the database.