Sioux Chief ProCheck Backwater Valves User Manual
Installation guide, For procheck, Backwater valves

Installation Guide
for ProCheck
Backwater Valves
• Valves are to be installed in a level position,
and on nominally horizontal lines only.
• Access opening must be at top. Arrows on side must point
in direction of fl ow. The slope of the drain line in which
the valve is installed must not exceed ¼" per foot.
• When solvent welding joints, be sure that no
solvent (glue) enters the valve body.
• If valve is to be installed in the ground or under a concrete
fl oor, it is recommended that an access sleeve be installed
to provide access to the valve for inspection/maintenance
• Before using the system, check that the fl apper is able
to move freely and that the sealing surface makes clean
contact all the way around the opening into the valve body.
• Be sure the fl apper is removed before using
mechanical tools to service the drain line.
Building 1: A backwater valve would not be required for
this building. During a sewer main backup, sewage would
exit through the fi rst upstream manhole, since it is lower
than the building’s drainage fi xtures.
Building 2: Drainage fi xtures located on the First Floor
would not require backwater valves, since they are higher
than the fi rst upstream manhole. However, drainage
fi xtures in the basement of this building are below the
level of the fi rst upstream manhole and would require a
backwater valve on lines serving those fi xtures to prevent
Building 3: Drainage fi xtures in this building are all
located below the level of the fi rst upstream manhole. All
fi xtures in this building would require the installation of a
backwater valve to prevent backup.
Sewer Ma
Sewer Ma
The following should be used as a guide only. Always consult local plumbing codes for
specifi c requirements regarding backwater valves in your area before installation.
• Valves can be adapted for shallow-
depth or deep-bury installations
• For gravity fl ow applications only
• Do not install vertically
• Made in the USA
Install valve
in level position
Be sure valve lid
is sealed tightly
Sch. 40 DWV Pipe
(not supplied)
Solvent weld pipe
into valve hub
Solvent weld pipe
into valve hub
Sch. 40 DWV Pipe
(not supplied)
Sleeve Kit