B.2. file manager alterations, B.3. rwts alterations – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 318

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under the name specified on the “INIT” command.

B . 2 . F i l e M a n a g e r A l t e r a t i o n s

The only alteration from a program interface

standpoint to the File Manager was to shut down

the disk initialization function call. This was

done simply by having the File Manager return

back to the caller without performing the ini-

tialization. The File Manager will return a “no

error” condition so that the program making the

call can continue.

The File Manager was originally willing to ac-

cept a specification of drive 3 or 4 without any

complaints. For the most part, the File Manager

assumes that the calling program knows what it

is talking about and isn't supplying invalid


B . 3 . R W T S A l t e r a t i o n s

The major change to the RWTS calling interface

is identical to the change~ made to the File

Manager. When a call to initialize a diskette

is made to the RWTS, a simple “no error” return

will be performed.

Apart from the ignoring of the initialize func-

tion call, RWTS also has an extension to the “no

operation” function call. (“No operation” ac-

tually means that RWTS is to seek the head to

P a g e B — 3