Sgldrive utility – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 265

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1 0 . 5 . S G L D R I V E U t i l i t y

The SGLDRIVE utility is designed specifically

for CP/M users with only one drive. If you are

not such a user, the description of this utility

will not be of much use to you. If you are a

single drive user, this utility can prove to be


Single drive users (on an Apple or any other

CP/M system) quickly find that CP/M is not over-

ly friendly to them CP/M was not really de-

signed with only one drive in mind. The biggest

example of this is the PIP utility for which

SGLDRIVE was specifically designed (although it

can function in other applications as well).

PIP is a standard utility which is pare of the

CP/M system itself (from Digital Research), as

opposed to FORMAT and COPY which were added by

Microsoft and which strictly work under the

Apple II version of CP/M. PIP’s primary func-

tion (it has alot of functions, see your CP/M

manuals) is to copy individual files or groups

of files from one diskette onto another diskette

(or possibly the same diskette), without de-

stroying the other existing files on the target


PIP’s problem is that if you specify the source

drive (on which PIP is to find the original

files) and the target drive (to which PIP is to

copy the files) as the same drive, PIP assumes

you want the copy of the file to go on the same

diskette as the source. This prevents single

drive users from copying individual files be-

P a g e 1 0 — 3 4