Back-up diskettes, Write protect – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 195

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and how much protection you wish to give to the

data on your diskettes.

8 . 3 . B a c k — u p D i s k e t t e s

If you are ever in the position where you have

information you cannot afford to lose, make a

back-up copy (or even two copies) of the disk-

ette and store the copies in a safe place, using

the write protect feature described below.

8 . 4 . W r i t e P r o t e c t

All standard end-user blank 5—1/4” diskettes

incorporate a write protect feature so your

system cannot accidentally write over or destroy

valuable information contained on your diskette

when the write protect feature is activated.

A write protect notch is located on the diskette

jacket. When the notch is open, writing to the

diskette is allowed.

To use the write protect feature, simply cover

the notch with an adhesive tab. To write on the

diskette, uncover the notch. See the figure


N o t e : The write protect feature of the diskette

overrides the write protect panel switch feature

of the Elite Series drives. If either the

diskette itself is write protected or the drive

P a g e 8 - 6