A.6. data field. encoding – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 300

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The prologue differs in the third byte. The

bytes are $D5, $AA and $AD also forming an

unique sequence which enables DOS to locate the

start of the sector’s data, which consists of

342 (GCR) encoded bytes, and is followed by a

checksum byte used to verify the integrity of

the field just read. The epilogue is identical

in its function to that in the Address field.

A . 6 . D a t a F i e l d E n c o d i n g

Since it is not possible to read all 256 possi-

ble byte values (an Apple-GCR restriction), data

written to the diskette must be encoded. This is

done in three different ways:

1. This first method, currently used in address

fields, involves writing a data byte as two disk

bytes. One contains even bits, the other the

odd bits, thus requiring 512 “disk” bytes for

each 256 byte sector of data. Using this tech-

nique for sector data provides for no more than

10 sectors per track (about 88K of data per

diskette, or 72K of space available to the user;

typical for 5 7/4K single density drives).

Encoding the data in this way would be very

similar to the frequency modulated encoding of



The second method allows 12 sectors per

track. It involves a 5-plus-3 split of the data

bits (as opposed to a 4—plus—4). Each byte

written to the diskette contains five actual

data bits, rather than four, thus requiring 410

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