Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual
Page 237

This is all very similar to the way the original
(old) FORMAT signed-on. In fact the first part
of the answer to FORMAT’s “which drive?” ques-
tion is just like the response you would give to
the original FORMAT, but there is more which has
been added to the command.
The complete syntax of the answer is:
format the diskette. The colon (:) is typed as
which tells FORMAT which type of formatting to
perform, as follows:
O = Apple Disk ][
( 35 tracks)
1 = RANA Elite One
( 40 tracks)
2 = RANA Elite Two
( 80 tracks)
3 = RANA Elite Three
(160 tracks)
FORMAT is capable of performing any one of these
format types on the specified drive regardless
of how the drive is specified under CP/M (see
PROFILE). However, it cannot format a diskette
using a particular type of format on a drive
which is incapable of handling that type of
This is really just common sense when you con-
sider that if the Disk II could handle 652K
bytes of storage just like the Elite Three can,
then Apple would be saying the Disk II can do
652K bytes instead of 143K.
P a g e 1 0 - 6