Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual
Page 121

SGLDRIVE converts CP/M’s request to read or
write on drive B: into a request to do the same
read or write on drive A: (which now has the
“phoney” drive B:’s diskette in it). Along the
same lines, whenever CP/M changes from talking
to drive B: back to talking to drive A:,
SGLDRIVE displays the message:
Mount A:, Press
This give you a chance to remove the “phoney”
drive B: diskette and reinsert drive A:’s disk-
ette. Once you’ve changed the diskettes, press:
and CP/M will be allowed to continue. If you are
already starting to envision grand and glorious
things for SGLDRIVE to do for you, it is
suggested that you check the section later in
this manual which deals strictly with SGLDRIVE
itself. It explains some of the drawbacks and
problems which can arise when using SGLDRIVE
with certain types of programs. For now,
SGLDRIVE is going to help you with the problem
of PIP not being able to copy files between two
different diskettes using one drive.
SGLDRIVE will still be sitting there waiting for
you to insert the diskette for drive A:, so
insert the enhanced CP/M master diskette and
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