Fid enhance utility – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

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9 . 5 . F I D E N H A N C E U t i l i t y

The FID ENHANCE utility does for Apple’s FID

utility what ENHANCE did for Apple’s DOS. It

makes it more intelligent. FID, as it exists in

its original form from Apple (supplied by Apple

on the DOS master diskette) does not exactly

follow all of the conventions which Apple has

defined for reading and writing to diskettes.

If it did, it would work with every Elite Series

drive except the Elite Three (special case).

FID, as it comes from Apple, will work correctly

on the Elite One drive without any modification.

In fact, FID will even function correctly with

the Elite Two drive except it will refuse to

copy files to all of the Elite two diskette.

Unmodified FID should never be used on a Elite

Three since it has a tendency to “butcher” di-

rectory entries. In addition, FID only allows

you to specify a drive number of 1 or 2 because

that’s all Apple gave you on their Disk II

controller card.

But never fear! Rana has come to the rescue.

FID can be saved from its own stupidity!

FID ENHANCE is a very straight forward, down to

business utility which will teach FID all those

little things it should have known to begin

with. The catch is that FID ENHANCE must be on

the same diskettes as FID, which means using the

“dumb” FID to put it on the diskette.

P a g e 9 — 3 2