3 . enhancing apple‘s applle ii dos 3.3 – Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

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E N H A N C I N G A P P L E ‘ S A P P L E I I D O S 3 . 3

Rana Systems’ Enhancements for Apple’s Apple II

DOS 3.3 allow automatic accessing of 4 drives

from the Rana Elite Controller Card and the

additional capacity of the Elite Disk Drives.

The Controller Card is capable of addressing any

combination of Apple Disk II and Rana Elite

Series Drives. The PROFILE program sets up DOS

(Disk Operating System) to recognize which

drives are Rana Elite Drives and which are Apple

Disk LI drives. The seek rate can also be

increased by the PROFILE program to take advant-

age of the increased speed of Rana drives.

The enhancements made by the ENHANCE utility

only apply to a master DOS diskette. Non-master

diskettes (slave diskettes) are what are created

when the DOS “INIT” command is used to initial-

ize a new diskette. The copy of DOS which is

placed on such a diskette is not ENHANCE-able.

Even though a diskette may say it is a master”

when it is booted, it may not actually be one.

The program which says the diskette is a master

is completely independent of the DOS itself, and

can be copied br saved (by an “INIT’ command,

for instance) onto a slave DOS diskette.

Those DOS 3.3 diskettes supplied directly from

Apple are all master DOS diskettes. In addi-

tion, any diskette which is a copy of an Apple

DOS 3.3 distribution diskette, made using the

Apple COPY or COPYA utility will also be a

system master diskette. These instructions will

assume you are using your original DOS 3.3 dis-

tribution diskette from Apple; but if you’ve

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