Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 107

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created, life becomes alot easier. Even though

the instructions are lengthy, they are not ter-

ribly complex to follow.

In order to use Microsoft Apple If CP/M, you

must have your disk controller card (Elite or

Disk ][) in slot six. Your disk drive (Elite or

Disk ][) must be attached to the first drive’s

connector on the controller card (drive one).

Turn on the computer without a disk in the

drive. If you have the Autostart feature, your

drive should rattle for a bit and then sit there

quietly spinning waiting for a diskette. If you

have an old Apple, you may not have the Auto—

start feature, so you will need to tell your

Apple to start-up the drive.

A Non-Autostart Apple will “beep” then display

an asterisk (“*”) prompt right away. When this

prompt appears, simply type:


When indicating those keys on the Apple ][ key-

hoard which are not just a single character

(i.e. RETURN, CTRL, ESC, etc.) these instruc-

tions will show the key enclOsed in angle brack-

ets () to indicate that the single key

with that label is to be pressed, and not that

the key sequence “R”, “E”, “T”, “U”, “R”, and

“N” should be typed. Combined key sequences

such as indicate that the key

should be held down while the “P’ key is press-


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