Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual
Page 220
configuration table on the source diskette must
be set (using PROFILE) correctly for the boot
slot and drive prior to copying the DOS to the
destination diskette. The other option is to use
PROFILE to change the table setting on the
destination diskette after the copy has been
made, but PROFILE will require that the drive
containing the DOS to he changed be defined (in
the currently hooted DOS) to match the way the
DOS is structured on the diskette.
CLONE will allow you (under certain conditions)
to copy a DOS image onto a diskette using a
structure specified by you which does not neces-
sarily match the way in which the diskette was
originally formatted. You should never do this.
This will either immediately destroy one or more
of the files on the destination diskette, or the
diskette will stop booting as soon as a new file
manages to overwrite the DOS on the diskette.
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