Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual

Page 216

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than the source diskette type. Also, since CLONE

will not restructure the diskette’s directory or

associated information when copying from a

lesser capacity diskette to a higher capacity

diskette, there is only one real reason to

specify a diskette type different from that

specified for the source diskette: copying non-

Elite Three diskette files to Elite Three disk-

ette files when you have only one drive and its

an Elite Three. The FIDR utility can be used to

copy files between different capacity diskettes.

See FID ENHANCE in this manual, and the instruc-

tions for FID in Apple’s The DOS Manual.

FIDR will permit you to transfer individual

files between two diskettes using only a single

drive, however FIDR assumes that both the source

and destination diskette will be of the same

type as defined using PROFILE in the booted DOS.

Due to the way DOS works (which is outside the

scope of this manual), this does not present a

problem when transferring between two non-Elite

Three diskettes of different types; even though

the single drive is defined for a particular

diskette type.

However, this capability does not extend to

Elite Three drives. Therefore, on single drive

Elite Three systems, there is a special approach

to transferring non—Elite Three diskette files

to Elite Three diskettes.

The first step is to use CLONE’s whole diskette

copy to copy the non-Elite Three diskette

(source) to an Elite Three type diskette

(destination type of 3). This will convert the

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