Rana Systems Elite Series User Manual
Page 239

Since the Elite Three achieves its 652K of stor-
age by writing half width tracks in half track
increments, the tracks (and any other data at
other times) which the Elite Three writes while
formatting a diskette are too small for the
lower capacity drives to read.
Once you press
FORMAT will say:
Insert disk to be formatted in drive
Press RETURN to begin
in your command. Before proceeding, you will
need to make sure that the diskette you wish to
format is the one which is in the specified
If you are formatting a diskette on which you
already have programs or data, remember that
when FORMAT finishes with the diskette all those
data or program files will be completely gone.
(No hope of recovering them.)
Another “peace of mind” thing to do is to open
the doors on any other drives you have which are
not being used for the format. This makes sure
nothing unexpected happens to any other disk-
ettes you may have in those other drives.
Once you hit
the first thing it will do is try to read the
diskette to be formatted to see if it already
has any information on it. This little check is
very dependent upon how you have the drive de-
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