Storing the cue editor, Loading the chase editor – elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

Page 86

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Delete Feature Preset n …

deletes specific feature presets

Move Feature Preset n … To n

moves multiple feature presets to a contiguous range

Store Feature Preset n

stores current fixture's features as a feature preset

Copying, Deleting and Moving Cues

Copy Cue n.n To n.n …

makes multiple copies of a cue

Copy Cue n.n … To n.n

copies multiple cues to a contiguous range

Copy Preset n To n …

makes multiple copies of a preset

Copy Preset n … To n

copies multiple presets to a contiguous range

Delete All Cue

deletes all cues

Delete All Preset

deletes all presets

Delete Cue n.n …

deletes specific cues

Delete Preset n …

deletes specific presets

Move Cue n.n … To n.n

moves multiple cues to a contiguous range

Move Preset n … To n

moves multiple presets to a contiguous range

Storing the Cue Editor

Store Cue

stores cue editor over current cue

Store Cue n.n

stores cue editor as specific cue

Store Dimmer n.n

stores cue editor as dimmer fader assignment

Store Preset

stores cue editor over current preset

Store Preset n

stores cue editor as specific preset

Loading the Chase Editor

Chase n

loads specific chase into chase editor

Chase n Go

loads specific chase into chase editor and starts it

Chase Go

starts current chase

Chase Record

starts recording a new chase

Edit Chase

reloads current chase into chase editor

Edit Chase n

loads specific chase into chase editor