elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

Page 61

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channels of the fixture laid out line by line followed by any special actions that work along with those
individual channels.

Note: Although the descriptions below show both upper and lower case letters, the text file is
completely case-insensitive, except that the actual names of fixture types and features appear in the
CP-100 display the same as they appear in the file. All consecutive whitespaces (blanks, tabs, form
feeds, etc.) are converted into single blanks.
Carriage returns, line feeds or cr/lf pairs are interpreted as line breaks, and are counted so that error
messages can
show the line number (starting with one). A comment can be added to any line by preceding it with an

Individual DMX channels or Features are specified as a keyword followed by a value.

Values can have several types, indicated below by words in italics:

number A decimal integer, possibly preceded by a minus sign.

A list of integers.

This must be






to turn a parameter on, or







turn it off, or left out entirely to toggle the current state of the parameter.

Any series of characters extended to the end of the line (or to the apostrophe that
starts a comment). A string can include blanks, but leading and trailing blanks
are ignored.

There are many possible parameters, mostly for fine-tuning the behavior of individual features, but
they all have reasonable default values, so in most cases you won’t have to specify any parameters
other than simply to name the features.

In software version 3.00 and higher, Fixture Types are associated with Vendor names, to make them
easier to select. The Vendor name is set with the vendor



string the name of the fixture manufacturer, up to fourteen characters.

For example : Clay Paky

The vendor name is associated with all subsequent fixture types, up to the next



If a fixture type is defined before the first vendor

parameter, its vendor is assumed to be Generic.

Note: Vendor names are listed only in the library, and are not part of the fixture objects themselves in
nonvolatile RAM. There is therefore no problem with creating a type in the userlib.txt file under the
Generic vendor name, and later changing it to the correct vendor name—any fixtures of this type will
continue to work.

A fixture type begins with the following parameters pertaining to the fixture as a whole. The first one
must be the type parameter, but the other two are optional and can appear in either order: