elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

Page 19

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Listen up people! None of us like authority or discipline but we can’t have anarchy reigning with this
board. The point is you have to be aware of what channels/features are live when you record a cue.
There is a major difference between seeing a value of “0” and seeing “---” on the display. Those three
little lines mean that the rotary(s) is cleared and that means that rotary is not going to be recorded in
the Cue or Preset. A value of “0” is a tangible DMX value. It doesn’t clear the channel/feature, it
just outputs it at 0%. 0% can have a lot of different meaning depending on the fixture type and feature
that it is applied to. For example, if applied to a feature like an iris, the iris could end up being shut or
fully open depending on the fixture type. So if you are reviewing your cues and suddenly the iris slams
shut and you had it open and you didn’t want it to close up, then chance are that you have a wrong
value in the iris feature.
So be careful with cues, feature presets and presets. It is easy to forget and accidentally record features
that you don’t want. Use the clear all function liberally to make sure that you start from square one
each time before programming a cue, feature preset or preset and this way you will avoid an errors.