elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

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OK, let’s take a look at all the raw power that you’ve got at your disposal.

2 DMX-512 OUTPUT PORTS: that’s 1024 channels of unbridled Digital Multiplex baby!

MIDI IN & OUT: for those of you who want to automate your show via MIDI the console
accepts MIDI Note information.

DMX IN: for linking another controller to the CP-100. By configuring specific Cues, Chases,
Macros, & Hotkeys to respond to external DMX channel feeds, you can trigger events on the CP-
100 via an external DMX controller.

COM PORTS 1 & 2: are used for the addition of peripherals. COM 2 is used for adding any
DOS compatible tracking device (mouse, trackball, trackpad, etc.). COM 1 is for future

MONITOR OUTPUT: For any standard color monitor or flat screen.

KEYBOARD PORT: is obviously there so you can plug a keyboard into this thing. With the
external keyboard you are able to label Cues, Chases, Fixtures, Presets, etc. as well as program
user definable “HOT KEYS”. Any IBM compatible keyboard will work with the CP-100.

EXTERNAL SWITCHER: for switching externally! OK, if you’re really lazy you can sit in a
chair with cocktail in hand just tapping a footswitch to go from Cue to Cue. Those of you who
really use this function know how it works so I needn’t get into it here.

AUDIO INPUT: is obviously for sending an audio signal from a pre-amp. 1/4” jack, a little
music, and you’re rollin’!

LITTLITE PORT: for the popular plugin luminaire that allows you to see the “delete” button at
all times. The 3 pin XLR version is used here. That snazzy little dimmer knob right next to it is
not the Grand Master dimmer for the controller as I was once asked. It is in fact the dimmer for
the Littlelite itself.

3.5” DISKETTE DRIVE: for show backups, software upgrades, etc. Why do we use this?

not that we’re bitter or anything

) With this handy little function, you

can make backup upon backup of your show for mere pennies. Not to mention the fact that you
can usually “borrow” diskettes from secretaries and other co-workers, which doesn’t, cost
anything, YEAH BABY!

SUBMASTER FADERS: are on the left side of the controller. The ones at the top are labeled
“Dimmers”. You are able to add either individual or groups of conventional dimmers to these
faders as well as the dimmer functions of your automated fixtures. The ones on the bottom are
labeled “Submasters” and they’re strictly for the playback of Cues, Chases, and Macros. Both of
these Submaster sections are comprised of 99 pages of 6 faders each.

GRAND MASTER FADER: will only control the dimmer function of your conventionals and
automated fixtures. It won’t vary every DMX channel on the controller. This will prevent your
moving lights from drifting back into their zero positions when fading out. This spectacular effect
we want to leave as an effect not incorporate into the design of the board!

X-FADE FADER: is used to set the specific crossfade time of Cues as well as set the crossfade
percentage for Chases.

CHASE SPEED FADER: sets the Beats-Per-Minute (B.P.M.) time for Chases.

A/B FADER: allows you to manually crossfade from Cue to Cue.