elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

Page 59

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Written in bold below is ultimately, what we want to see in the text file:

vendor High End Test
type Trackspot
channel Pan
channel Tilt
channel Color
steps 0 129 142 156 170 185 200 215 228 242 255
channel Gobo
steps 0 165 184 194 203 214 220 229 239 247 255
channel Shut
channel Dim
channel Speed

So, how do we do it….well, it’s pretty easy. Sit down at you computer and


Grab hold of a disk with the userlib.txt file on it.


If you don’t have a disk with the file labeled userlib.txt You can create it in one of two ways.
First way: . To create the file, from the Main Menu press F1 : storage, then press F1 (again) :
Objects. This will now give you a screen with 6 options.

F1 : save library

F4 : load library

F2 : save fixtures

F5 : load fixtures

F3 : save show

F6 : load show

You need to put a disk into the drive and Press F7. Okay just kidding. You need to press F1.
The CP-100 will now automatically create, on your disk, the file called “userlib.txt”. You will
use this in your computer to create your very own personal fixtures.
Second way : Simply create a new text file and label it as “userlib.txt”. (in Windows it’s
“right-click”- “NEW”- “TEXT FILE”).


Open up the userlib.txt file in your computer and

4 Type


vendor Lightwave Test


Under that put in type Trackspot


Under that type in channel Pan

7 Then

channel Tilt


Now put in channel color


Under the our color channel we’re gonna add some steps. This will enable each click of the
color rotary to snap to a full color. Type in steps 0 129 142 156 170 185 200 215 228 242 255


next type in channel gobo


Now let’s set some gobo steps. Type in steps 0 165 184 194 203 214 220 229 239 247 255


And for the last 3 channels we’ll need:
channel shut
channel dim
channel speed


Now perform a “Save As” and make sure that the file is name “userlib”.


Put the file on a floppy disk if it isn’t already and insert the floppy into the CP-100 console


Press “Menu” to get to the CP-100 Main Menu


Press F1 for Storage


Press F1 for Objects


Press F4 to Load the Library