elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

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All right, lets start with physically setting up the console.

1) Take CP-100 out of the box.

2) Attach any peripherals to the console. i.e.: trackball to COM 2 port, keyboard to the
keyboard port, external triggering devices to their respective ports, etc.

3) Plug in its power supply to the outlet and the power input jack on the back panel of the

4) Turn the power ON. You’ll find the power switch on the back panel of the console directly
next to the power input jack.

5) Wait for the console to boot up and validate it’s software files. You’ll hear a beep first. This
tells you that the processor is present and functioning. If you don’t hear it turn the board off
and try again. Then you’ll see a visual representation of the board loading its software followed
by a display of the “Main Menu” display on the LCD screen. You’re now up and ready. The
engine is running

6) Make sure that the “SOLO” button is ON, the “D.B.O.” button is OFF and the “GRAND
MASTER” fader is all the way up. This is imperative!

7) Chock away, you’re officially ready to taxi down to the runway! You’ve got to get to the
runway, do your pre-take off procedures and then apply full power. Just take your time
otherwise you’re liable to have a take off abort, and that wont be fun for anyone!