elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 35

i.e.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.
Wander- loops the chase forward a few times then backward a few times. Maybe it’ll throw in a
Seesaw every now and then.
i.e.: Yeah right, I’m not even gonna try and explain this one any more than that!
Random- loops the chase in absolutely no order whatsoever. It will simply pick steps at random and
play them back accordingly.
i.e.: 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 3, etc.
Hold- Plays the Chase once and freezes on the last step.
Once- Plays the Chase once and immediately goes to Blackout. (Neat for those drum rolls at the end
of the song and then blackout).
2) Use the cursor keys to move the cursor to the Chase no. field and enter the number of the
Chase that you want to create.
3) Press CHASE-RECORD to put the Chase Editor into record mode.
The “RECORD” LED will start flashing.
4) Make sure that the “solo” button is lit.
5) Press CUE-n-ENTER to enter in the first step of the chase.
The STEP field will increment by one number.
6) Repeat step 5 until all of the Cues that you want to be in the Chase are entered.
*NOTE: if you want a step to execute more than 1 Cue simply press the SOLO button to turn
its LED off and repeat STEP 5. In the Cue field you’ll see the number in parentheses increment
with each entry that you make with the SOLO button off. When you’re ready to go onto the
next Step simply press the SOLO button again to turn its LED back on. When the Chase is
replayed all of the Cues that were entered in that particular Step will be played at once.
7) Use the CHASE SPEED fader to give the Chase a Step Rate.
8) Use the XFADE TIME fader to set the Xfade percentage.
9) Move the cursor to the MODE field and use the +YES/-NO keys to select the playback mode
for this chase.
10) Press STORE-CHASE-#-ENTER to save the chase.
11) Press CHASE-#-ENTER to see the Chase happen.
Voila! You’ve made a Chase.