User defined fixtures – elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 57

User Defined Fixtures
The CP-100 contains a universal fixture library within its internal memory. It is from this library that
you choose the fixture types that will be in your light show. Until now, the programmer would need
to use the “DMX Fixture” profile when programming fixtures that were not in the fixture library.
Although the “DMX Fixture” is a fine way of controlling your lights it simply does not have the
ability to label individual features, set the color and gobo numbers, and isolate Pan & Tilt channels for
simultaneous hi-resolution control and Stage Focusing. Creating a fixture within the User Defined
Fixtures Library file enables the programmer to set those functions as well as many others!
The CP-100 fitted with Version 3 software will have the 3 individual files that make up the software.
To check to see if you have V3 software fitted to your CP-100 press F1 : storage from the Main Menu.
Then press F2 : software. The screen will now display the version of software you have fitted in the
CP-100. If it says “this version : 3. xxx”, then you have got the right version. If it says “version :1.
xxx” or “version 2: xxx” then you will need to upgrade your software using the disk drive
When upgrading the CP-100 to version 3 software, you will begin with 3 individual files. The first file
is “CP100.exe”. This is the main operating system for the CP-100 console accompanied by one called
“Filelist”. The third file is “stndlib.txt”. This is the Standard Fixture Library that comes with every
CP-100 console. It is imperative that you never change this file! Just stay away from it as if it
contained the ebola virus!!!
Once you have loaded these files into your CP-100 you will create another file all by yourself and
become a CP-100 programmer. This fourth file will be called the “userlib.txt”. This is the User
Defined Fixtures Library. Because you are going to make this yourself we will be encouraging you to
experiment with it.
To create the file, from the Main Menu press F1 : storage, then press F1 (again) : Objects. This will
now give you a screen with 6 options.
F1 : save library
F4 : load library
F2 : save fixtures
F5 : load fixtures
F3 : save show
F6 : load show
You need to put a disk into the drive and Press F7. Okay just kidding. You need to press F1. The CP-
100 will now automatically create, on your disk, the file called “userlib.txt”. You will use this in your
computer to create your very own personal fixtures.