elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 31

i.e.: Cue 5.2 or Cue 500.992
The highest point cue that the board is capable of supporting is Cue 99999.999 (impressive, aint it?)
5) Press STORE-CUE-n-ENTER to save the Cue with it’s new information.
You’re done! The Cue is now saved with its new information and you’re ready to play back the Cue.
One final thing, oh geniuses of the ‘lighting thing’, you need to do some good housekeeping.
You should now type the In time and Out time back to zero. If you leave any value in the In time and
Out time fields when you go to create the next cue those times will be put into the next cue. Got it.
6) Press: CUE-n-GO to play the Cue with it’s new information.
When you playback a Cue by using this GO command you will see the Cue happen with its applicable
X-fade time. If you were to simply press CUE-n-ENTER, the Cue would automatically snap in as if it
had a 0 second X-fade time. This makes life quicker when you want edit a cue with a long fade In
To proceed playing back the following cue, you may press the GO button again or you can manually
take control over the fade by using the A/B fader. That’s kinda neat when you using the cues to track
an artist across a stage. This way you can control the movement speed manually…..even go
backwards if necessary.
(Aside: Listen up people! We don’t want to be self-praising but do you know the amount of processing
power to do that sort of feat? You’ve got to compare all 1024 channels of DMX for both the cue you
started at and the cue your going to and then track them both. All from a board that’s at least half the
price of it’s nearest competitor!….and in fact a lot of more expensive ‘pieces of electronics’ will
avoid doing anything like this type of control. Instead any fader on the controller, will only work the
dimmer of the fixture and not even control any other feature. So, pat yourself on the back you didn’t
get fooled by those ‘other boards’ out there trying to be a moving light console. You should be very
proud of the decision you made to buy a CP-100 and that’s no bologna! So next time anyone say to
you that they’ve got the ‘best’ moving light console, you can throw some serious questions at them
and if they don’t make it then you can tell them to go eat some bologna!)
7) Press: CUE-n-AND-x-AND-y-GO
i.e.: CUE-1-AND-27-AND-236-GO would execute those 3 Cues simultaneously.