elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

General pleas from the technical dept, Introduction

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Please read this manual before you start calling, paging, emailing, & messenger pidgeoning,

your friends, family, analysts, and manufacturers about how this board works!!!


OK. It’s probably about 4 am right now but it may as well be 4 in the afternoon. You couldn’t care
less because you’re probably stuck in some huge black box somewhere in the middle of nowhere
programming a jillion fixtures for some band that you wouldn’t listen to if you had a howitzer to your
head. It’s cold, it’s dark, you’ve been breathing diffusion fluid since last Thursday and you’re missing
out on being first (or last for that matter) on the catering line because you’ve got to learn how to use
this little box that you’ve never heard of before.

Well have another cigarette and simmer down because we’re gonna get you through this

quickly and efficiently. Let’s face it, if you can do that the LD’s gonna love you. And hey, that’s all
you really want right now anyway...right? I’m sure that you couldn’t care less that you’re all out of
clean underwear and some rigger has just used up the last of the detergent in the venue’s laundry area.
We’ll have you through this so fast that you’ll be the first on line to get some swag off that sales rep
from one of those scan companies.

If these first two paragraphs don’t sound like your situation at all then you’re probably sitting

in a nightclub trying to figure this thing out which doesn’t make the situation any less aggravating,
you’ve just got the luxury of listening to some music while you do this.

We have divided the manual up into sections. If you have to learn this in a nanosecond there is

the Quick, Quick Guide section. It is basic but it will get you through an emergency. If you have a few
milliseconds, at the back of the manual is a Quick Guide. This will get you through triage but don’t
consider yourself a surgeon after reading it because in making it quick and simple to read certain
functions and concepts had to be left out.

Okay people if you’re ready to getting going, we’ll “hit the pages”!