elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 70

Deleting the Userlib.txt File from the CP-100 console
If you need to do this then you really deserve a gold star! Actually, this is not uncommon because you
probably get constant interruptions from all sorts of idiots. The result is you have written something
completely wrong in the userlib.txt file you may end up with the console locking itself up. With the
VGA monitor on, you’ll notice that the monitor is displaying a “goto loop” message, thus rendering
your CP-100 Console useless. The board is now continuously referencing a bad user library file and
can’t get past it in the boot up process. To delete the userlib.txt file follow these steps using an
external keyboard hooked up to the console:
When you see the "Starting ROM-DOS", hit F8.
It will ask you whether to execute each startup command in sequence.
Answer Y up to and including the PATH command.
Then answer N to the rest of the commands until you get an A> prompt.
Then, enter the "del c:userlib.txt" command to get rid of the user-defined fixtures.
Then, enter "c:cp100" to start the CP-100 software.
At this point your console will continue booting up. You will need to take a very close look at your
userlib.txt file to see where you went wrong. A common gremlin is misplaced commas. Make sure
you haven’t put any commas in between your step values.