elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 55

Basically, your rotaries are laid out to be the four corners of your stage:
Rotaries 1 & 3 = Upstage Right
Rotaries 2 & 4 = Downstage Right
Rotaries 5 & 7 = Upstage Left
Rotaries 6 & 8 = Downstage Left
So, now that we’ve got the Pan & Tilt split up into these four sections we’re ready to set our Stage
Focus. Notice that the cursor is in the “Fixture no.:_” field. You can use the “-NO” & “+YES” keys
to scroll through the different fixtures in your show. This will allow you access to their Pan & Tilt
channels automatically.
Let’s start with your first fixture.
2) Move rotaries 1 & 3.
The fixture automatically goes into HILITE mode with it’s iris down for accurate positioning. It will
also move to it’s furthest point down & left.
3) Move the light beam into position at the upstage right corner of the stage.
NOTE: when you set the Stage Focus only work with one section of the stage at a time.
4) Move rotaries 5 & 7 and position the beam at the upstage left corner.
5) Move rotaries 2 & 4 and position the beam at the downstage right corner.
5) Move rotaries 6& 8 and position the beam at the downstage left. corner.
You’ve just set the Stage Focus for your first fixture!
6) Use the “-NO” & “+YES” keys to call up your next fixture.
7) Repeat steps 2 through 6 for all of the fixtures in your show.
8) Press CLEAR-ALL-HILITE to turn off the automatic Hi-Lite function
Once you’ve shown all of your fixtures the 4 corners of your stage you are then able to add that Stage
Focus into Cues as you make them.
Let’s say, for instance, that you’re working on Cue 1. This particular Cue is all of your lights in Preset
1 (downstage center). If this particular position needs to be exactly precise every night of the tour
then all you have to do is add the Stage Focus to the Cue after you have stored it.
2) Press: STORE - CUE- # - ENTER
Now whenever the Stage Focus is changed that particular Cue will change with it.