elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 14

7) Press the “Record” button to turn the LED off.
8) Use the “Chase Speed” & “X-fade Time” faders to set your Step Rate and Cross fade
percentage. If a chase has a nonzero rate programmed into it, it plays at that rate, period. If it
has a zero rate, then it steps whenever you tap on the ‘Enter’ key, and if the Audio switch is
turned on, it also steps whenever the audio input is triggered.
9) Move the cursor to the “Mode” field and use the “+YES” & “-NO” buttons to set the desired
replay mode.
10) Press STORE-CHASE-n-ENTER to save the chase.
11) Press CHASE-n-GO to start the chase.
1) Press ADD-CUE (or Chase)-TO-SUBMASTER-n.n-ENTER.
This adds the Cue to a specific Submaster page and fader.
i.e.: If you were to press ADD-CUE-1-TO SUBMASTER-7.3-ENTER then Cue number
1 would be placed on Submaster Page 7, Fader number 3.
2) Press CLEAR-ALL-ENTER to clear your fixtures.
3) Go to the specific Submaster Page and raise the fader that you stored stuff to. Voila, there it is!
Well, that’s all folks for the Quick, Quick guide! There is a more detailed Quick Guide added
to the back of this manual but if you want to learn more...read the rest of the book. This should
be more than enough to make you dangerous on this thing.