elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual
Page 78

Summary of Triggers.
In general, whenever a trigger (DMX-input or Midi Note On) is received, the CP-100 scans all its
objects (cues, chases, macros and hotkeys) and activates any that have matching channel and note.
Cues are activated by crossfading them in, at their programmed crossfade time. Chases and macros are
simply started at the beginning. Hotkeys are executed, unless one is already in progress. When the
trigger is released (in other words, the DMX input is returned to zero or Midi Note Off), cues begin to
crossfade out. Chases and macros are stopped while hotkeys remain in the same state. If a cue hasn’t
finished crossfading out when a second trigger is received, the crossfade turns around and goes
forward again, rather than starting at the beginning.