elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

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It’s no secret that every manufacturer has a different language. Some people call a “scene” a “cue”,
others call a “chase” a “sequence”, some call rap music good, and so on. So let’s start by defining just
what it is we’re talking about.

CUES: are specific looks. What you see is what you get. You can execute Cues with individual
Crossfade times as well as use them to comprise chases.

CHASES: are a group of Cues link together and animated. Chases can be run in several different
ways. We’ll get to that when the time comes.

MACROS: are a group of Cues, Chases, and Blackouts linked together and animated. Each
individual step is given a start and end time.

PRESETS: are spots on the stage that the moving lights are positioned on. This concept is most
frequently known as “Preset Focus”.

FEATURE PRESETS: are combinations of the different features of the lights that you are using.
Features such as color, gobo, prisms, gobo rotation, etc. all comprise of a Feature Preset. This
concept is sometimes known as a “palette”.

ROTARIES: are…..well look at the CP-100. Do you see those 8 round knobs on the top of the
board? Well, those are rotaries. You’re gonna spin those puppies around a few times to make the
lights do pretty things. DON’T START PLAYIN’ WITH ‘EM NOW!!! Be patient for god’s
sake! (You’re zigzagging the plane on the taxiway!).

N The concept of N is that it is any number that you want it to represent. So if you something like
“add feature preset n”, then it means you can call n any number. So n could be 10, 16, 1000, or 1.
We also sometimes have to use X and Y. They are the same thing as N. So you’ll see statements
such as “add feature preset n to fixtures x and y”. Sorry for the alegbra lesson 101 promise you
that’s it.