elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part One User Manual

Page 18

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you would be able to setup a fixture just like the guys at Group One do. To do this you’re going to
need to have access to a PC computer and some floppy disks. Version 3 OS is what you have in your
CP-100 right now. So go and check out from page 56 (User Defined Fixtures).

For your knowledge and information

Version 2 operating system adds a monitor output and all the necessary software to run it.
Version 3 operating system adds what has just been described above. (Outboard fixture
Version 4 operating system adds an effects generator/engine for automatic insertion of circles,
ballyhoos etc.
Version 3 & 4 operating system also have the capability of running the expansion submaster panel for
a CP-100. The expansion panel adds 12 dimmer submasters and 12 regular submasters. This panel
become integral to the CP-100. It is not a stand alone unit. In this way, you end up with a single
complete controller not a “hodgepodge” of pieces!


It is possible to put 2 or more fixtures into any given group number. This allows you to access the
features of multiple fixtures at one time. It is also possible to place dissimilar fixtures into the same

i.e.: You can have 3 of your Cyberlights in Fixture Group 1 and then add 5 of your VL6’s into the
same group. When you access Fixture Group 1 and change the color rotary, the first color wheel of
the Cyberlights and VL6’s will begin to increment.

To place fixtures into a group:


(For example Add Fixture 1thru 12 to group 1).

There are several variations of this command that you are able to use. See the “Command Set”
section of this manual for other options.

To access a Fixture Group:

1) Press: GROUP-n-ENTER

This will display the “Group Features” display. You are now able to use the rotaries to alter the
different features of the fixtures within the Fixture Group.

See the Command Set of the manual for more information on: GROUPING