Voicemail, Set up voicemail, Retrieve your voicemail messages – Samsung SPH-L520ZKPSPR User Manual
Page 45: Voicemail notification

Your phone automatically transfers all unanswered calls to your voicemail, even if your phone is
in use or turned off. You should set up your Sprint Voicemail and personal greeting as soon as
your phone is activated. Always use a password to protect against unauthorized access.
Set Up Voicemail
The following steps will guide you through setting up your standard voicemail from the Phone
For information about setting up voicemail using the Visual Voicemail app, see
You should set up your Sprint Voicemail and personal greeting as soon as your phone is
activated. Always use a password to protect against unauthorized access. Your phone
automatically transfers all unanswered calls to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or
turned off.
1. Press
and tap
2. Press and hold
3. Follow the system prompts to:
Create your password.
Record your name announcement.
Record your greeting.
Note: Voicemail Password—Sprint strongly recommends that you create a password when
setting up your voicemail to protect against unauthorized access. Without a password, anyone
who has access to your phone can access your voicemail messages.
Retrieve Your Voicemail Messages
You can access your voicemail by using the following process.
1. Press
and tap
2. Press and hold
3. Follow the system prompts to enter your voicemail password and manage voicemail.
Note: You can also access Visual Voicemail from the Phone keypad by tapping
Voicemail Notification
There are several ways your phone alerts you to a new message.
Phone Calls