Settings, 1 factory defaults, Factory defaults – Campbell Scientific EC155 CO2 and H2O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

Page 27: 1. factory default settings

background image

EC155 CO


and H


O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer

f. Wire power and ground (i.e., power reference) cable CABLEPCBL-L (pn

21969-L) to the EC100. Feed the cable through one of the cable port

openings in the bottom of the EC100 enclosure and attach the ends into the

green EC100 power connector (pn 3768). Plug the connector into the

female power connector on the EC100 panel. Ensure that the power and

ground ends are going to the appropriate terminals labeled 12V and

ground, respectively.

g. Connect the power cable to a power source. The power and ground ends

may be wired to the 12V and G ports, respectively, of a Campbell

Scientific datalogger or to another 12 Vdc source.

h. Once power is applied to the EC100, three LED status lights on the EC100

panel will illuminate. The power LED will be green and the sonic and gas

LEDs will be red until the unit has warmed up and is ready to make

measurements at which time the LEDs will be green. If after several

minutes the LED lights do not turn green, a diagnostic flag has been

detected. Check the individual diagnostic bits to determine the specific

fault. Diagnostics may be monitored using the Status window of ECMon,

the user interface software included with the EC155 (see Section 7,

Settings), or with a datalogger (see Section 10, Datalogger Programming

with CRBasic). The diagnostics may reveal that the unit needs to be

serviced (e.g., clean the optical windows of the sample cell, clear the

CSAT3A transducers of ice or debris, etc.).

7. Settings

Operation of the EC155 can be customized by changing the values of the

settings. Factory defaults will work well for most applications, but the user

may adjust the settings with a PC using either the ECMon software (see

Section 7.3, ECMon) or the Device Configuration Utility (see Section 7.4,

Device Configuration Utility), or with a datalogger using the

EC100Configure() instruction (see Section 10.2, EC100Configure()


7.1 Factory Defaults

TABLE 7-1 shows the default value for each of the settings.

TABLE 7-1. Factory Default Settings

SDM Address



20 Hz

Unprompted Output


RS-485 Baud Rate

115200 bps

Unprompted Output Rate

10 Hz

Analog Output


ECMon Update Rate

10 Hz

Temperature Sensor

Auto-Detect (EC155 Sample Cell


Pressure Sensor

EC100 Basic or EC100 Enhanced (depending

on order)

Pressure Differential Enable

Auto-Detect (Enabled for EC155)

Heater Control
