1. output modes for ec100 instruction, 2. bits in the sonic diagnostic flag, Ee table 10-2 – Campbell Scientific EC155 CO2 and H2O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual

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1. output modes for ec100 instruction, 2. bits in the sonic diagnostic flag, Ee table 10-2 | Campbell Scientific EC155 CO2 and H2O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual | Page 48 / 70 1. output modes for ec100 instruction, 2. bits in the sonic diagnostic flag, Ee table 10-2 | Campbell Scientific EC155 CO2 and H2O Closed-Path Gas Analyzer and EC100 Electronics with Optional CSAT3A 3D Sonic Anemometer User Manual | Page 48 / 70