JKS 9100 User Manual

Page 5

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JKS Switchblade Swaybar Installation

Page 5


Now that you know the modified Connecting Rod

(H) length for your application, you will need to cut

them to size.

If your modified length is

4.5” or greater, proceed

to step 7a. If your modified length is

less than

4.5”, skip ahead to step 7b.

Step 7a
A modified Connecting Rod length of 4.5” or greater is

achieved by removing an equal portion of threaded mate-

rial from each end.


Subtract the modified Connecting Rod length from

the overall length of 9” and then divide by 2 to de-

termine the amount of excess material to remove

from each end.

HINT: For instance, if the modified

Connecting Rod length for your application is 7”,

the amount of material to remove from each end

will be 1”.

Example: 9 - 7 = 2 and 2 ÷ 2 = 1

Connecting Rod


Length to Remove



Connecting Rod


Length to Remove


Length to Remove

(each side)


Connecting Rod



Skip to Step 7c

Step 7b
A modified Connecting Rod length shorter than 4.5” is

achieved by using a portion of the threaded material at

each end of a single rod and discarding the rest.


Subtract 1.5” from the modified Connecting Rod

length to determine the amount of threaded rod

required for your application. HINT: For instance,

if the modified Connecting Rod length for your ap-

plication is 4”, the amount of threaded rod needed

is 2.5”.

Example: 4 - 1.5 = 2.5”

Connecting Rod


Length Required



Proceed to Step 7c

Step C
The Connecting Rods (H) are loosely installed on the

Blade Arms (A & B) by the manufacturer and must be re-

moved before they are modified.


Unthread the Connecting Rod (H) with Rod End

(I) and 1/2” Jam Nuts (K) from the Gimbal Joint

Assembly (G).


Remove Rod End (I) from Connecting Rod (H), but

do not remove 1/2” Jam Nuts.

HINT: Jam Nuts will

help stabilize and elevate the Connecting Rod for

easier cutting. They can also be used after cutting

to chase the threads and repair any damage.


Using the information from Step 7a or 7b, mark

the Connecting Rod (H) to indicate the appropriate

locations to cut.

HINT: Cut same amount of thread

material from each end.


Using an appropriate cutting tool (such as a die

grinder with cutting wheel, or metal cutting saw),

carefully and squarely cut each end of the Con-

necting Rod (H) where previously marked.


Now completely unthread both 1/2” Jam Nuts (K)

from Connecting Rod (H) and re-install.

HINT: This

will help repair any thread damage that may have

occurred during the cutting process.




Apply a drop of medium strength thread locking

compound to the tip of threads at each end of

Connecting Rod (H).


Completely thread Gimbal Joint Assembly (G) and

Rod End (I) back on to Connecting Rod, making

sure both ends have a corresponding 1/2” Jam Nut
