HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 8

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The following table lists the spreadsheet format requirements.



Text file

File type

File name

You must use the .spd file extension.

Character limit (including the extension): 32

Prohibited symbols in file names: \ / : , ; * ? “ < > | and space.

Character limit:

CLI-based spreadsheets: 240

CFL-based spreadsheets: 255


Number of rows limit:

CLI-based spreadsheets: 65,536

CFL-based spreadsheets in LUNM: 400,000

CFL-based spreadsheets in Vol Ret Z: 70,000

Character limit per row (including the line feed):

- CLI-based spreadsheets: 512

- CFL-based spreadsheets in LUNM: 200

- CFL-based spreadsheets in Vol Ret Z: 128

The line feed must appear at the end of each row.

End-of-line character

No with the following exceptions in LUNM:



group settings

CLI/CLF spreadsheet format

The first row contains the spreadsheet version, which is defined for each software


Separate each parameter with a comma (,).

Tabs and spaces before or after commas are ignored.

CLI-based spreadsheets: You must add a semicolon (;) at the end of each row that
contains a parameter.

Begin a comment row with a hash (#) sign. Comments can contain characters from
any language.


* Microcode updates can affect the number of items or the range of available values. Check that the spreadsheet is
compatible with the microcode your system is running before editing the spreadsheet.


Spreadsheet operation overview