HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Hp p9000 spreadsheet guide

P9000 Spreadsheet Guide
This guide describes how to use spreadsheets with the HP P9000 disk arrays to enable large-scale changes or operations at
scheduled times. The intended audience is a storage system administrator or authorized service provider with independent
knowledge of HP P9000 disk arrays and the HP Remote Web Console.
HP Part Number: AV400-96523
Published: November 2012
Edition: Eighth
Table of contents
Document Outline
- P9000 Spreadsheet Guide
- Contents
- 1 Spreadsheet operation overview
- 2 Command Line Interface Installation and Commands
- 3 LUN Expansion operations
- LUN Expansion feature spreadsheet tasks
- Prerequisites for using spreadsheets in LUN Expansion
- Workflow for CLI-based spreadsheets in LUN Expansion
- CLI-based spreadsheet format in LUN Expansion
- LUN Expansion command summary
- Editing CLI-based spreadsheet templates in LUN Expansion
- Validating CLI-based spreadsheets in LUN Expansion
- Running CLI-based spreadsheets in LUN Expansion
- Troubleshooting runtime CLI errors
- 4 LUN Manager operations
- LUN Manager spreadsheet tasks
- Workflow for CFL-based spreadsheets in LUN Manager
- 5 External Storage operations
- External Storage spreadsheet tasks
- Workflow for CLI-based spreadsheets in External Storage
- Prerequisites
- CLI-based spreadsheet format in Ext Stor
- External Storage command summary
- Editing spreadsheet templates
- Validating CLI-based spreadsheets
- Running CLI-based spreadsheets
- Making configuration changes
- Retrieving storage system information
- Retrieving SSID information
- Retrieving external-volume group information
- Retrieving external volume information
- Mapping external volumes with multiple LDEVs
- Specifying LDEV Capacity
- Mapping an external volume with one LDEV
- Disconnecting an external volume
- Restoring an external volume
- Deleting external volume mapping
- Moving external volumes to another path group
- Moving external volumes to a new path group
- Troubleshooting runtime CLI errors in Ext Stor
- 6 Continuous Access Journal Z operations
- Continuous Access Journal Z spreadsheet tasks
- Prerequisites
- Workflow for CLI-based spreadsheets in Continuous Access Journal Z
- CLI-based spreadsheet format in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Creating CLI-based spreadsheets in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Editing spreadsheet templates in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Validating CLI-based spreadsheets in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Running CLI-based spreadsheets in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Making configuration changes in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Retrieving storage system information in Continuous Access Journal Z
- Retrieving Continuous Access Journal Z pair information
- Adding Continuous Access Journal Z pairs
- Suspending Continuous Access Journal Z pairs
- Resynchronizing Continuous Access Journal Z pairs
- Releasing Continuous Access Journal Z pairs
- Troubleshooting runtime CLI errors in Continuous Access Journal Z
- 7 Volume Retention operations
- Prerequisites
- Volume Retention spreadsheet tasks
- Example: Using CFL-based spreadsheets in Volume Retention
- Workflow for CFL-based spreadsheets in Volume Retention
- 8 Troubleshooting
- 9 Support and other resources
- A Configuration File Loader GUI reference
- Glossary
- Index